Friday, November 23, 2012

Meaning Of Life

Life is hard, you don't argue with this, right ?
Think hardly, what make life so difficult until you never have second thought of the fact that your life is hard?
Money, materials, unrealistic dream, and unfair that you faced perhaps..
so, is that?
why you feel like if you don't have them, your life going to be hard?
Foolish gain for happiness, Wise gave for satisfaction.
You maybe have below argument:
1. The more money the better.
2. If i achieve my dream.
3. If i can have that.
4. only if the world work out around me.
The answer are:
1. The more money you have, then you things you can hold other than money are lessen. (the more money, the more the lost.)
2. A dream achieved, another dream spread.(a endless chain effect)
3. Another chain effect, the thing that you want never less. The key is to contented.
4. The world does not turn the way you want? The creator (GOD) also never thought the world turn into this way.
Yeah, so why are we living, what for ? Glad you asked.
To do so, no just realize only.